HBZ Bank Limited  
(A Subsidiary of Habib Bank AG Zurich) 
 South Africa

HBZ Bank, in collaboration with our Agency partner, ABSA, is pleased to introduce a new cash deposit service that offers unmatched convenience for you and your clients. Our collaboration ensures that you and your clients can now deposit cash at selected ABSA ATMs, alongside existing branch services with following key features.

  1. Convenient ATM Deposits:
    • Deposit cash at selected ABSA self-service ATMs. The List of ATMs can be accessed on this link.
    • Same day credit to your HBZ Bank account (subject to correctly entering 11-digit HBZ Bank account number in which you intend to make the deposit).

  2. Flexible Cash Handling:
    • Deposit up to R500,000 per transaction, including up to 17,000 new notes and 30,000 mixed coins

  3. Seamless Integration:
    • Transactions are compliant with our account numbering schema, ensuring consistency and ease of use.
    • Therefore, please just enter the correct HBZ Account Number to which you intend to deposit the cash.

  4. More Cost Effective:
    • Benefit from additional ATM deposit points with competitive charges:
    • Lower Cash Deposit Fee at the ATM (MIN R5.41, i.e. R4.88 + R0.52 per R100.0 excluding VAT) as compared to:

      Branch Cash Deposits:
      Cash Centre Cash Deposits:
      Min R67.20, R7.50 + R0.54/R100.00
      Min R42.00, R7.10 + R0.506/R100.00

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HBZ Bank Limited is a licensed financial services provider in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act and a registered credit provider in terms of the National Credit Act, registration number NCRCP8.