HBZ Bank Limited  
(A Subsidiary of Habib Bank AG Zurich) 
 South Africa

Business Banking

Personal Banking

Islamic Banking


Trade Finance & Services

Apply for eBankingProducts

  1. Complete the HBZBankweb application form and business resolution / mandate and take it to the HBZ branch where your account is held.

  2. You will receive a copy from the branch for your records.

  3. Within 24 hours you will be notified by the branch to collect your sealed PIN mailer containing your login name and password.

  4. Ensure the person fetching the PIN mailer from the branch is the person authorised to do so on the Application Form.

  5. PIN mailers not fetched from the branch within 30 days will be destroyed.

  6. The person fetching the PIN mailer will be required to sign for receipt of the PIN mailer and prove their identity, so ensure they have their Identification Document.

You can download any of the forms below by clicking the one you require. (These forms are in pdf. format)

To know more about HBZBankweb, the above forms and to get guidance on how to register refer to our Internet Banking Guide (.pdf format).

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HBZ Bank Limited is a licensed financial services provider in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act and a registered credit provider in terms of the National Credit Act, registration number NCRCP8.